High Production Sand-Blasting
Here at Epperheimer, Inc., we have the resources to complete very large scale projects in little time. We have multiple units for sandblasting with up to 4 users at once without the downtime of refilling our pots. This not only gives us the edge on high production sand-blasting, it saves our customers time and money. Please find our gallery to see projects where our high production sandblasting has been put to use.
Graffiti Removal
We are setup for customers with the misfortune of having graffiti work done to them. Please call us right away and we will arrive on-site before it becomes such a scene.
Vacuum Blasting & Lead Mitigation
Where open air blasting is not allowed, we minimize that hazard and control the situation with recovery systems so that airborne particles are not present. We have a team of workers certified for Lead Abatement and Awareness and the tools and equipment to do the most challenging jobs under the most difficult conditions and circumstances.
Media Blasting w/ Water Injection(Slurry Blasting)
Most environments and public areas require the need for dust control, however at the same time needing the ability to sandblast and strip large areas in a short amount of time such as buildings, process area equipment and exterior vessels and tanks. Concerned about flash rust? We can use rust inhibitors to prevent the occurence of surface rust prior to any coating application. We understand the importance of the prevalent environmental concerns, yet we know how to mitigate them and have been doing so since 1980. Call to discuss your project today!
Our capabilities of mass quanitities of throughput at our on-site blasting & coating facility is complimented by the mobility resources we have. Our portable blasting units range from small to extremely large all with the hardware to fly to offshore and remote areas. Let us help you make a plan.